Saturday, 5 March 2016

Cold War

Positive things I learned:

  1. Canada stood up to the US and helped China be in the UN
  2. Canada stood up to the US over Cuba.
  3. Cuba over threw a pro American leader, controlled by US, for US interests

Negative things I learned:

  1. My history textbook doesn't know that communist countries can and have been democracies - namely the USSR. In fact it was during a referendum that elected president Gorbachev put to the people, that the people choose capitalism.  Clearly the prejudice and misinformation continues. - good thing my mom is teaching me.   *The electoral system of the Soviet Union was based upon Chapter XI of the Constitution of the Soviet Union and by the Electoral Laws enacted in conformity with it. The Constitution and laws applied to elections in all Soviets, from the Supreme Soviets of the USSR, theUnion republics and autonomous republics, through to regions, districts and towns. Voting was secret and direct via universal suffrage.[1] (wiki).
  2. People lost their rights, jobs, homes and freedom because of rumours and fear and propaganda.
  3. The cold war, along with how countries like Canada viewed other countries was based on economic ideals believing only their way was right.  
  4. Cuba was demonized for kicking out America and choosing Communism.  Also their leader turner out to be a dictator.
  5. The US supported the south of Vietnam even though it was basically a dictatorship.  They did this because the North was communist, proving it was never about freedom, just capitalism. 

Things that surprised me:

  1. Its considered a war without ever firing a weapon but people did die as the Korean war was part of the cold war. 
  2. Again, same for Vietnam war. 

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