Thursday 28 January 2016

Art Lenormand Deck

A Lenormand deck is like a tarot deck but a little different.  It has 36 cards (sometimes extra) and the cards have the same numbers, names and meanings in all decks.  Only the artwork changes and sometimes small things are added to the meaning.  My mom is helping me make one that will be printed when finished.  We might have even be able to sell some.   We decided to do a First Nations Lenormand deck because we are Lakota and because there isn't one.  I help my mom come up with the ideas, and then I have to  design them.   She is teaching me how to draw them and it takes lots of practice and sometimes help.  I coloured them.  I also have to type out all their meanings later.  Our deck has 2 extra people cards.  Our extra people cards are gender neutral so that 2 spirited people can get a reading also.  My mom suggested this to help me because my step dad is dying and it is really hard to deal with that.  Plus I am learning something my mom and sister are really good at so I can be one day too.

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