The FLQ crisis, or October crisis happened in October 1970. Many of the people of Quebec were fed up with Canada. Some wanted to separate from Canada. Most choose to try and do so with politics. A small faction decided to take a more extreme approach. They were called the FLQ. They kidnapped a British diplomat named James Cross.
At this point PM Trudeau (Sr.) decided to inact the war measures act. The war measures act was designed to control the people during times of war and was used during WW1 and WW2. It strips Canadians of their rights. You can be arrested and held in jail/prison without even being charged or having a trial. You don't even need to break the law! The government just has to decide that maybe you are a risk or know the wrong people or have the wrong neighbors! The war measures act can also set curfews and have military and tanks rolling through your neighborhood. The war measures act didn't stop the FLQ though. Next they kidnapped provincial cabinet minister Pierre LaPorte. Later they killed him. Many Canadians were arrested and jailed for no reason other then fear. I think PM Trudeau was wrong. I think he only did this because it was one of their own. People get kidnapped all the time and the government doesn't care this much, not till it might be them. The War Measures act didn't stop the FLQ. But it did take away Canadians rights and freedoms to protect the government (not the people), just as it did during WW2, when it was used against Japanese-Canadians, and during WW1 against German, Austrian & Hungarian and Turkish Canadians.
Whenever you allow the government to do this to others, you are at risk of suffering the same fascism. I think the war measures act is always wrong. It shouldn't be allowed to exist or be used ever. And the risk of allowing it has become real now that we have C-51, the government can do this to people without even using the war measures act. If people had stopped the government in 1970, maybe today we wouldn't have C-51.
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