Thursday, 3 March 2016


Teens in the 1960's are best known for being hippies (although not all were).  Hippies looked really different then teens had before.  They wore long hair, beads, old jeans and other things.  People thought they looked strange.  They believed in free love and were very open about sex.  They openly smoked weed and did other drugs.  They listened to rock music their parents didn't like.  They were seen as very rebellious even though every generation felt this way about teens.  The thing that was very different from other generations was they were very concerned about the politics (especially wars) going on and they protested against them.  These wars weren't like the one their parents experienced (ww2), these ones weren't about saving people.  They were just about governments.  

In many ways todays teens are similar in their pastimes and in some ways our clothes.  This is mostly because hippies changed these things in society to become the norm.  Teens today (mostly) aren't political and (mostly) don't protest.  The only teens I know who do, are like me & protest with their parents who were political teens in the 1990's.  Because of this I don't think today's teens are very rebellious at all.  I think many are disrespectful but that isn't the same thing.

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