1/ stars are luminous because they create light, suns are giant balls of fire and fire makes light.
2/ mercury, Venus, earth, mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Pluto - dwarf planet.
3. A sun is a giant ball of dust and gas which ignited and produces heat, light and more. A planet is made up of smaller left over clumps of dust and gas and are not ignited. Planets rotate around a sun. Planets are the leftovers. Suns impact planets but planets don't impact suns.
4/ a space probe is a spacecraft without people. It is run by computer. They are sent out into our solar system to take pictures and collect data and transmit it back to earth so we can learn more about parts of our solar system that ate too far sway to go to.
5/ I think space exploration is important because it's interesting and makes us imagine and realize how small we are and how unique earth is so we shouldn't destroy it. Also it teaches us science and helps us understand the universe better. Plus it is a liyt better to spend money on something like space (I really like space) that will educate people and teach us to dream. That's a lot better then spending money on tarsands and war.
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