Wednesday 14 October 2015

civics - constitutional monarchy - pros and cons

15 pros and con's for Canada maintaining or ending constitutional monarchy.
  1.  Some of the treaties are signed with the queen.  If we got rid if the monarchy Canada might view them as void
  2.  When the queen or other Royals come it attracts a lot of tourists which is good for the economy
  3. As a constitutional monarchy England is our Ally and will always side with Canada
  4. Royal proclamation, 1763 - the Monarchy recognizes more Native rights then Canada does
  5. A lot of Canadians are proud to have a queen
  6. It provides a sense of history
  7. It is respectful to Canada's roots
  8. The governor general is a good representative of Canada to the world
  9. The lieutenant generals do good things for the provinces
  10. The royals are good role models, always serving their country in the military
  11. The royals support a lot of charities
  12. Getting rid of the monarchy would require legal changes to the government and cost a lot of money in inquiries
  13. Getting rid of the monarchy would require legal changes and a referendum which would cost a lot of money
  1. England colonized Canada and many other nations
  2. When the Queen or other Royals visit Canada, Canadian tax money pays for the visit.
  3. We have to pay the governor general to be her federal representative
  4. We have to pay for lieutenant generals to be her provincial representatives
  5. When you become a Canadian citizen you have to swear loyalty to the queen, but not to Canada
  6. Canada always has to be England's ally and side with them
  7. England will never back Natives because they are Canada's alley by default
  8. It's pointless as the queen is just a figure head
  9. You can't elect a Queen so if England gets a bad Queen/King Canada is stuck with them
  10. The Royals are bad role models because they have more them is needed and excessive belongings is bad for the environment.
  11. If we got rid of the monarchy we could make other changes to Canadian government like decolonizing and giving First Nations seats in the legislature
  12. If we got rid if the monarchy we could make other changes to the government like get rid of the senate
  13. Getting rid of the monarchy would require a referendum and Canadians could voice their opiin about other issues in it too (like the senate)
  14. Canada's military technically serves the royals, not Canada
  15. Too much preference is given to subjects of the queen in immigration

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