Thursday 1 October 2015

civics - direct and indirect democracy

K5 explain the difference between Direct democracy and indirect democracy by creating a chart similar to the one following.  You must provide a minimum of 2 examples each.

Direct democracy
Advantage 1. Everyone has their own say on every decision
Advantage 2.  You can speak for yourself
Disadvantage 1. It would take a really long time.
Disadvantage 2. Does not work if a community is to big

Indirect democracy
Advantage 1. The interests of the majority of the people are heard
Advantage 2.  Allows democracy in a large community.
Disadvantage 1.  If the person you vote for doesn't win your views aren't heard.
Disadvantage 2. You have to trust that the person you vote for will do what they say and sometimes they don't.

K6 explain the difference between majority rule and minority rights.  State weather you agree or disagree.  

Majority rule is when the majority (51%) make thedecision, in theory.  For example in Canada there are 4 main parties (5 in Quebec), so the majority is usually closer to 30%.
 Minority rights is when the rights of a minority are protected.  In Canada this is language rights for French Canadians, Native rights for First Nations.  Also rights to be free from discrimination because of race, religion or sexuality.  I believe this is a very good thing as it protects people from racism in laws or government or jobs.

1 comment:

  1. These are the last questions for Unit 1 lesson 1. Your volunteer assignment was exceptional. Make sure to read each question carefully. Questions 1 wanted you to 'give a brief description' of each term after you unscrambled it.
    (marks will not be posted here but recorded in class)
