Wednesday 14 October 2015

civics - inside my local municipality

List 20 services offered by your local government.  
From the list of 20, choose 5 and add the following info: 
•3 main components of the service
•contact info.  
Create a collage of these services.

  1. Artillery park: swimming drop-in, fitness instruction, gym rental. (613-546-4291).
  2. Air port:
  3. Birth registration: forms for birth registration, forms for birth certificate, submit forms to registar general, (613-546-0000)
  4. Building permits:
  5. Child care:
  6. Cultural services:
  7. Dog parks:
  8. Police:
  9. Fire and rescue: inspections, emergency response, fire investigation's, (613-548-4001-ext5123) 
  10. The grand theater:
  11. Historic walking tours:
  12. Housing program's:
  13. K.F.L. and A. Public health:
  14. Kingston transit:
  15. Licenses and registration:
  16. Parking:
  17. Property standard:
  18. Public utilities commision Kingston:
  19. Waste management: recycle, compost, garbage collection, public education, leaf and brush days, (613-546-0000)
  20. Zoning bylaws:

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