Monday 12 October 2015

science - particle theory of matter 1.

(.1) what are the 5 points in the particle theory of matter?
1. Everything is made up of particles.

2. Particles are always moving.

3. There's tiny spaces between particles.

4. When you heat up particles they move faster.

5. when you cool particles down they move slower.

6. particles are attracted to each other.

(.2) draw 3 diagrams showing how molecules may be arranged in a solid form, liquid form and gaseous form. Check internet and youbtube.
 The particles are not close together, there is a lot of space for it to move around expanding the volume and shape but the mass stays the same.

There close together but there is space for them to move but only a little bit. The mass and volume stay the same but the shape changes, it flows.
 the particles are so close together,the they dont move and there for their mass volume and shape stay the same.

(3) describe the change in kinetic energy when the temperature of an object increases. When you heat up particles they start moving and turn into a liquid and when it heats up more and moves faster it turns into a gas.

(4) using at least 7 physical properties to 
A. Glass of water. 1 it is a liquid. 2 temperature is grater then 0°C. 3 temperature less then 100°C . 4 there is space in between the particles. 5 mass and volume stay the same. 6 water is transparent ( you can see through it ). 7 it takes the shape of its container.

B. Hockey puck. 1 its a solid. 2 the particles are close together. 3 the particles don't move. 4 the mass, shape, and volume stay the same. 5 opaque ( you can't see through it ). 6 the shape of a hockey puck is round. 7 it moves by outside force.

**check out this video

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