Monday 12 October 2015

History then and now poster

Then (1900's).   &  Now (2015)
Most people are now urban (city) or rural (country).

Few people had cars, and all in Ontario (although first one was P.E.I) now most people have cars or take busses.

Few woman worked and those who did were mostly maid's. Now women often work and even run businesses.

Phones were rare and an operator (woman) connected you. Now we have cell phones that are like computers, watches, calendars, camera's, etc and call centers get it set up for you.

Most people shopped through Eaton's catalogue. Now most people shop in malls or online. Also shopping used to be done as a necessity, now it is a past time.

Canada's map and and flag have both changed.

Discrimination is no longer accepted or legal.

1 comment:

  1. Nice posters.Could we call settlements at the time Cities?
