Friday 2 October 2015

History -Western settlement

SQ5: why was the government concerned about the west? 
The government was concerned about the west and wanted to fill it with immigrants to protect it from the US taking over.  Plus the immigrants could defend it.

SQ6: what kind of settlers were wanted for the west?
Western Europeans such as Ukrainians because they would be good farmers.

SQ7: what evidence was there that some immigrants were not welcome?
Policies against Chinese people like the head tax

SQ8 (revised): did western settlement or McDonald's and Laurier's policies more negatively effect the Metis. It effected their lives because Jonh A. And Laurier Tried starving them out and than destroyed their homes and arrested the men.

KQ1: imagine yourself as a recent immigrant.  Write 3 paragraphs based on the following questions:
A) why did you come to Canada (what brought you here, why did you leave your country)
B: how did you feel about your experiences? What immigration policies affected you (head tax, land offer etc)?
C: what do you hope for the future here?
*must reference (min) 3 websites you used as resources *check rubric. 

Year 1909
My name is Sveta Shevechenko & I have a husband names Sasha Shevechenko & a sister named Olga.  I am 22 years old, my husband is 26 years old and my sister is 20.  I am from the Ukraine (Russian Empire).  I left because of political and ethnic tensions (I think there will be a war soon) & I thought it would be best to take the opportunity to move to Canada and get a house with my husband and build a farm.

The boat was nice.  Kind of like a vacation.  It wasn't as good as 1st or 2nd class of course but it was nice.  I got a little sea sick the first day but other then that I liked it.

The train to Saskatchewan was totally different.  I was scared, it was disturbing and uncomfortable.  People were scared and sad.  I couldn't move & I had to use a bucket for a bathroom.  I held it till we reached train stops.  People and myself were hungry and thirsty, it was unpleasant.
It was hard making the decision to come but I think but was for the best.  It cost a lot & it was hard making up the money & we didn't have enough for my sister sadly but we decided to save enough money in Canada to pay for her trip to Canada.

Arriving in Canada was scary.  I was nervous, we had nothing but our clothes and some money, but not much at all.  We had no home, not knowing where we would sleep, we had no one or nothing waiting for us.  We had to build our home and farm with nothing but our hands and imagination.  I didn't know where to start.  We did receive land for our farm thankfully but we have to build and have everything up and running within 3 years or the government takes it back.  It was really hard on us.

I was able to get a job with a Chinese laundry.  The owner is very kind to me which is nice and it will help me to buy food and tools for me and my husband and our life here in Canada.  I worry though because there is talk the government will stop allowing white women to work for Chinese.
We are building our house by digging a hole in the ground, packing dirt together really hard for walls and floor and we have to build a roof and cover it with sod.  Others do to and we call them soddies.  It is taking lots of work but I know we will get through it together.

I picture my future with my husband and sister in a nice home with a good running farm and some kids maybe to run the farm when we can't anymore.  I picture my future with my family.

1 comment:

  1. Great imaginative story. Do you think most people fleeing would be able to afford 1st or 2nd class passage? Recall the film 'Titanic' (if you've seen it). Many of those passengers were fleeing to find work in north america and it was around the same time period.
