Monday 12 October 2015

history - rights and freedoms.

What would you do if....
1. answer each scenario in your own words
2. List the article number that protects that right or freedom.

1. If you were told you must leave Canada immediately. I would hide because I don't want to be put in jail waiting to get deported. Section 6 (1)

2. If you were not allowed to associate with people of your choice. I'd do it anyway. Section 2 (D).

3.  If a friend was threatened by another student. I would tell someone and get that student in trouble. section 7.

4.  if you were not allowed to practice your own religion/spiritual beliefs. I would do it anyway. Section 27.

5. if any adult was allowed to use cruel and unusual punishment any time they wish. Then I would use cruel and unusual punishment any time I wish. Section 12.

6. if any stranger was able to search through your knapsack, purse or wallet whenever they wanted. I'd punch them in the face than call the copes and hope they do something about it. Section 8.

7. if you were discriminated against because of your ethnic origin. I'd smack them across the face. Section 15

8. if you were not allowed to become a Canadian citizen until you could fluently speak both English and French. Then I wouldn't want to live in Canada and I'd find a place much better to live. Section 16 (3).

9. If your friend was blind and was prohibited (not allowed) from riding the bus because of her disability. I'd say screw the stupid bus people and I'd offer them a free ride in my car that doesn't have a bunch of with herpes, and than I would protest against it. Section 15.

10. If a close family member was not informed of the reason for their arrest. I would protest against it and call call the newspaper and have them inform people about it. Section 10 (A).

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