Tuesday 23 February 2016

Abiotic and biotic

Rocks, Soil, Sun ayte abiotic because they don't grow, breathe (even the way plants do) or react.  

Hawk, scorpion and cactus are biotic.  They live, breathe, grow, think and feel (except maybe plants).  

Abiotic-biotic relationship:
1/ scorpions sit in the rocks to warm up from the sun.  They all so crawl under the rocks for shade when the sun is to hot
2/ the sun and soil help the cactus grow.  And the cactus stores the rain because there isn't a lot of rain.  

Human impacts:
1/ Humans go around digging up fossil fuels like oil.  This causes air pollution effextung everything and its dangerous for animals living near the oil wells.  
2/ off roading (like 4wheelers) is popular in the desert.  This has a great impact on desert plants which are easily effected to changes in their environment. 

The desert is terrestrial because it is land based and has very little water or even rain.

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