Tuesday 23 February 2016

Laura Newton - Special Jr Citizen.

Laura participated in her community from a young age and still does.

  1. Annual Dylan Carr Memorial Citizenship Aware.  A bursary in her cousins memory to help subsidize an annual donation of $200 to a student (per year) with an outstanding commitment to volunteer work within the school community
  2. Design and fundraise programs for disabled children. 
  3. Going to the special needs teacher and volunteering to help work with dusavked stydents
  4. Gather groups of students to be involved with disabled students; reading to them, feeding then and socializing with them just as Laura did
  5. Volunteering with salvation Army, easter seals and world vision 
I designed this slogan for Laura cuz whatbsge did seemed to be small (Luke a cabdke flame) but it still burns and it changes peoples lives. She vrungw hioe and candles are a symbol of hope.  

The work I do with my mom doesn't bring the daily changes Laura's does (and I don't do as much as her), but I hope it will bring long term changes.

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