Wednesday 24 February 2016

War Crimes

I believe Hitler and the Nazi Germany succeed in committing genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity because the westernized world was racist.  Hitler's ideas about minorities and Jews were not a secret (even through concentration camps were).  Everyone knew when he was elected that he wanted a racially pure Germany, and that he blamed Jews the most.  The Problem was most other upper class / midread
class citizens in Europe and America felt the same way. PM King knew Hitler was persecuting Jews, and others but still decided to keep Jewish refugees to a minimum (pre war).  He didn't want to "create an internal problem in an effort to meet an international one".   No one cared about stopping Hitler till he invaded France, till they were worried he would do the same to them.  The only way to protect a people from genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity is to protect everyone from it.  If one loses their freedom, we all risk losing our freedom.

Something positive I read

  1. Hitler and his wife committed suicide
  2. After ww2 people started to realize racism was wrong
  3. The end of ww2 brought about the concept of human Rights

Something negative I read

  1. Canada's pm knew how Hitler felt about Jews, Slavs & Roma's and did nothing
  2. Canada kept Jewish refugees to a minimum
  3. The whole world didn't seem to care till it was to late
  4. My history book doesn't consider thousands of Roma deaths genocide.  
  5. Crystal night
  6. Germans liked Hitler

Something interesting I read. 

  1. Hitler was elected and then became a dictator

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