Wednesday 24 February 2016


France was occupied by Germany during WW2.  France was an Ally Nation and the other Allies very much wanted to free the French, plus it would be a great first step in defeating Germany.  The first time the attempted to invade Dieppe the Ally forces were unprepared.  The plan was to mostly send in the Canadians.  The Canadians were eager to do this as they hadn't seen combat yet.  This was a poor choice because they were not experienced fighters.  Canada lead the Allies into Dieppe August 1942.  Those who survived had fully retreated days later  It was a disaster.  Men were gunned down just getting off the boats.  The tanks were stuck on the beach.   Of the 6103 soldiers, 4963 were Canadian.  907 Canadians died, 586 were wounded & 1874 taken prisoner.  The second time the Allies invaded in June 1944 they were prepared.  They had learned valuable but costly lessons the first time.  This time they kept it secret so that Germany didn't know it was happening.  They used multiple attacks by Canadians, Americans and British.  They practiced the invasion in detail so everyone knew ecactltvwhat to do.  Many lives were lost including 359 Canadians who died, 715 wounded.   I believe the lives lost was worth it.  France was free, and the Ally forces went on to free the rest of Europe and defeat Germany.  Had that not hapoenedd who knows what world we would live in today.

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