Wednesday 24 February 2016

Dionne Quintuplets

A) the birth of the Dionne Quintuplets was a huge sensation because they were the first Quints to live longer then a few days.  Also they were born during the depression and people wanted entertainment

B) The Dionne Quints were for sure exploited. They were stared at and watched for public entertainment the way people watch animals at a zoo.  That's not normal. I think anyone held for public entertainment like a zoo animal, kept away from their family, would suffer personal damage.   And the money the government made from it didn't go to the Quints till they were old and fought for it and that was only a settlement.

C) I believe the decision was bigoted and classist because the Dionne's were a  poor French Canadian family in Northern Ontario.  They were stolen from their family   The government said their family couldn't look after them but were fine letting them raise their other children. They were put on display like animals.  They were used for commercials and none of this was for the benefit of the Quints or the Dionne's, it only benefit the Ontario government and the Doctor.

D)  there is nothing here.

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