Monday 22 February 2016

Canadian Women during WW2

During WW2 the majority of working me. Were in the war so women needed to full many of the jobs the men had been doing.

1. Childcare.  With so many women working outside the home, working Mons needed childcare.
2.  Military nurses
3. Royal Canadian Air Force, Women's division.
4. Canadian Women's Army Corp
5.  Canadian Red Cross.  Many women made bandages for prisions of war.  This helped then feel like they were helping men like their husbands.  
6.  Factory workers especially in munitions (weaopns) work.  In the states this was called Rosie the Riviter
7-10 and other regular jobs men had been doing such as drivers, cooks, and stenographers (a type of record taking like court reporters).  

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