Wednesday 24 February 2016

D-day to V day

Something positive I read

  1. A pastor was taken as a pow because he choose to be with the men who needed him most.  
  2. In Denmark most Jews survived
  3. The people of Denmark saved most of the Jews in thier country
  4. In one camp the prisoners destroyed one if the gas chambers. 
  5. A woman named Irene Vivash stated behind to finish records of dead and Mia so the families back home would have am answer.  
  6. Woman like Irene Vivash did their jobs without protection. While that's negative, it's a positive that they were so brave.  
  7. First atomic bomb happened. 
  8. After doing something so horrible once (atomic bomb) they did it a second time.  
  9. It was the Italian people who got rid of their fascist government. 

Something negative I read

  1. Ally forces bombed civilian areas
  2. Lots of people didn't help the Jews because they were afraid. 
  3. I didn't read much about the Roma & Slav's because history just didn't seem interested in mentioning them.  Some but I wish there was more.
  4. In the concentration camps people died faster then they could be burried.  
  5. Slavs and Roma were used as slave labour.
  6. The US didn't join the war till December 1941. 
  7. Germany launched a new attack on the USSR for oil.  Is ouk always a part of war?  
  8. Canada's "innovative" way of winning in Italy destroyed peoples homes. 

Something interesting I read

  1. Journalists were right on the front lines during the war (in danger also)
  2. Women flew planes. They were supply, not combat but still dangerous
  3. Winter in the USSR defeated the German armies there. 
  4. The Ally soldiers didn't know about the concentration camps beyond a few rumours. 
  5. Northern Africa was invaded also.  I didn't know that.  
  6. While the main ally forces took over Germany, Canada was in charge of freeing the Netherlands. 
  7. They practiced the second attempbyobtake Dieppe.  How and where?  
  8. The USSR wasn't originally an Ally Nation.  
  9. Sweden was neutral.  How did they manage that?  What did they have to do for that? 
  10. There was official war artists

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