Tuesday 23 February 2016

War Criminals In Canada

Most of the war criminals from world war 2 aren't alive today because WW2 happened 70 years ago making the youngest war criminals 88 years old.  But I think Canada should have had a government department focused on finding and tracking down all war criminals within Canada or whoever came to Canada and then sending them to be tried for their war crimes.  They could have had this department interview all survivors of ww2 to help with finding war criminals and exposing what they did to the public.  This would have sent a strong message to future war criminals of other wars and it could continue now to do the same to them.  Also it could help prevent and charge any Canadian soldiers communing war crimes against victims of war and against Women soldiers because this happens to and they get away with it.  If Canada had a department and a history of publicly embarrassing and charging all war criminals (even Canadian ones) it could help stop this from happening every time there is a war and show the world Canada doesn't stand for this.  Canada could start doing this now even though it should have happened after ww2.

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